


Vojska Srbije nabavila kineske borbene avione! Serbian Army acquire Chinese Combat Fighter Jets!

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The information that came to the “Balkan Security Network“ first leaked that Serbia has already bought Chinese fighter jets! The well-known German journalist and writer Michael Martens shared on his Twitter profile his extensive analysis of the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the position of Serbia in the international community. At the very beginning of his analysis, Martens referred to the events of the previous weekend and to the question that was often mentioned in the media, is a new war looming in the Balkans? His answer is clear and reads no, and in his explanation he also explains why it is so. As Martens wrote, “Serbia cooperates with NATO more closely than many believe, especially in Kosovo and Metohija. “Serbia has been a member of the NATO Partnership for Peace program for a number of years and has never seriously tried to renounce that membership.“ In explaining his claim, he points out that on April 9 this year, six Chinese Y-20 military transport planes, which had not been seen in Europe until then, landed at the Belgrade airport. They brought Chinese FK-3 medium-to-long-range anti-aircraft systems to Serbia. As this German journalist points out, “Belgrade's list also includes French Rafale fighter jets, Mistral anti-aircraft missiles and Airbus helicopters Super Puma and H145M. In addition, cooperation with Russia plays an important role for Serbia. One obvious example of Russian-Serbian cooperation was the 'Slavic Shield' exercise in October 2019. That was the name of the joint exercise of the armed forces of Serbia and Russia, during which the Russian S-400 long-range anti-aircraft missile system was stationed in the suburbs of Belgrade. That was the only time he was ever stationed in a European country, which was a clear Russian-Serbian message.“ “However, another phenomenon cannot be ignored: Serbia has been rearming on a massive scale for years. According to the International Institute for Peace Research SIPRI from Stockholm, Serbia spent more money on defense in recent years than all the other five countries of the Western Balkans combined - Serbia in 2017. spent $731 million on defense, compared to only $570 million in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo combined. What enemy is Serbia arming against and what war scenario is it preparing for?“ Martens asked? Procurela je informacija do koje je prva došla “Balkanska bezbednosna mreža” da je Srbija već kupila kineske borbene avione! Poznati nemački novinar i pisac Mihael Martens je na svom Tviter profilu podelio svoju opsežnu analizu aktuelne situacije na Kosovu i Metohiji, kao i pozicije Srbije u međunarodnoj zajednici. Martens se na samom početku svoje analize osvrnuo na događaje od prethodnog vikenda i na pitanje koje se u medijima često spominjalo, da li se na Balkanu nazire novi rat? Njegov odgovor je jasan i glasi ne, a u svom obrazloženju objašnjava i zašto je to tako. Kako je Martens napisao„Srbija sarađuje sa NATO-om bliže nego što mnogi veruju, a posebno na Kosovu i Metohiji. Srbija je već niz godina članica NATO programa Partnerstvo za mir i nikada nije ozbiljno pokušala da se odrekne tog članstva“. U objašnjenju svoje tvrdnje on ističe da je na beogradski aerodrom 9. aprila ove godine sletelo šest kineskih vojno-transportnih aviona Y-20, koji do tada nisu viđeni u Evropi. U Srbiju su doneli kineske protivvazduhoplovne sisteme srednjeg do dugog dometa FK-3. Kako ističe ovaj nemački novinar “Na listi Beograda su i francuski borbeni avioni Rafali, protivvazduhoplovne rakete Mistral i Airbus helikopteri Super Puma i H145M. Pored toga za Srbiju važnu ulogu igra i saradnja sa Rusijom. Jedan očigledan primer Rusko-Srpske saradnje je bila vežba 'Slovenski štit' u oktobru 2019. godine. To je bio naziv zajedničke vežbe oružanih snaga Srbije i Rusije, tokom koje je ruski protivvazduhoplovni raketni system dugog dometa S-400 bio stacioniran u predgrađu Beograda. To je bio jedini put da je ikada bio stacioniran u nekoj evropskoj zemlji što je bila jasna rusko-srpska poruka“. “Međutim, ne može se zanemariti još jedan fenomen: Prema Međunarodnom institutu za istraživanje mira SIPRI iz Stokholma, Srbija je poslednjih godina potrošila više novca na odbranu nego svih ostalih pet zemalja Zapadnog Balkana zajedno- Srbija je u 2017. potrošila 731 milion dolara na odbranu, u poređenju sa samo 570 miliona dolara u Bosni i Hercegovini, Albaniji, Severnoj Makedoniji, Crnoj Gori i Kosovu zajedno. Protiv kog neprijatelja se Srbija naoružava i za koji se ratni scenario sprema?“, zapitao se Martens? Video credit: Audio credit: › audiolibrary #vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #j10 #j16 #j20 #j31 #j35 #fc31 #fc35 #j11 #jf17 #kina #china #xijinping #vucic #pla #plaaf #rv #pvo #fk3 #y20 #airforce #batajnica #army #military #armament #weapons #armija #vojska #naoruzanje #oruzje #kupovina #borbeniavion #nabavka #srbija #serbia #hq22

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