


Zato je MiG-35 idealan za Vojsku Srbije Russian MiG35 use long range hypersonic missiles R37M

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While after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the MiG-29 was produced almost exclusively for export, the future of the MiG-35S also largely depends on the possibility of its sale abroad, where it faces stiff competition both in terms of price and in terms of tactical-technical characteristics, and from the MiG itself. 29M which is made on the same MiGs production line at the “Sokol“ aircraft factory and is sold under the designation (MiG-35). A significant feature reported by some Russian media for the MiG-35S, but often overlooked, is its compatibility with the R-37M air-to-air missile, which has a hypersonic speed of Mach 6 and is the fastest in the world, while its range is also the longest in the world for the class of air-to-air missiles. The R-37M air-to-air missile was originally developed for Russia’s largest MiG-31BM/BSM fighter/interceptor, which is twice the size of the MiG-35S, but which despite its size can carry six R-37M missiles under suspension and light weapons. The R-37M missile has recently become compatible with the Su-35S and Su-30SM/SM2 heavy fighter/multirole fighters, which can carry up to four R-37M missiles, but are not expected to carry more than two missiles, as they would their large mass had a major impact on reducing their flight performance. Dok se nakon raspada Sovjetskog Saveza MiG-29 proizvodio skoro isključivo za izvoz, budućnost MiG-35S takođe u velikoj meri zavisi od mogućnosti njegove prodaje u inostranstvu gde se suočava sa oštrom konkurencijom i cenovno i u smislu taktičko-tehničkih karakteristika, a i od samog MiG-29M koji je napravljen na istoj proizvodnoj liniji u fabrici aviona “Sokol” i prodaje se pod oznakom (MiG-35). Značajna karakteristika o kojoj su neki ruski mediji izveštavali za MiG-35S, ali koja se često zanemaruje je njegova kompatibilnost sa raketom vazduh-vazduh R-37M, koja ima hipersoničnu brzinu od 6 maha i najbrža je na svetu, dokje njen domet takođe najveći u svetu za klasu raketa vazduh-vazduh. Raketa tipa vazduh-vazduh R-37M je prvobitno razvijena za najveći ruski lovac/presretač MiG-31BM/BSM koji je duplo veći od MiG-35S, ali koji uprkos svojoj veličini može da nosi šest raketa R-37M uz podvešavanje i lakšeg naoružanja. Raketa R-37M je nedavno postala kompatibilana sa teškim lovcima/višenamenskim borbenim avionima Su-35S i Su-30SM/SM2, koji mogu da nose do četiri rakete R-37M, ali se ne očekuje da će podvešavati više od dve rakete, jer bi njihova velika masa imala veliki uticaj na smanjenje njihovih letačkih performansi. Video credit: Audio credit: › audiolibrary #vojskasrbije #mig35 #hypersonic #rvvbd #r37m #russianarmy #ruskavojska #serbianarmy #missile #raketa #r77m #rvvsd #su75 #su57 #su30sm #su35 #sukhoi #mig #sokol #rskmig #oak #uac #weapons #armament #arms #naoruzanje #oruzje #army #military #vks #vojska #armija #rv #pvo

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