#mig29 #rafale #serbianarmy #airforce #vojskasrbije #airdefense #armament #weapons #army #military #naoruzanje #oruzje #armija #vojska #fighterjet #serbianairforce #orao #j22 #g4 #supergaleb #c295 #modernization #modernizacija #lasta #an26 #batajnica #airbase #airfield #rusija #belorusija #donation #donacija #ruskavojska #vks #russianarmy #putin #avion #borbeniavion #aircraft #combataircraft #mig How much is the purchase of French Dassault Rafale multipurpose fighter jets for the Air Force of the Serbian Army worth? The acquisition, which is now quite certain, of multi-purpose French Rafale fighter jets for the Serbian Air Force is not exactly a new story. For the first time, this modern and highly sophisticated twin-engine fighter plane was presented to the experts of the Serbian Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army as a good choice ten years ago. Namely, then, more serious thought began to be given to the revitalization of the Serbian fighter aviation, which, it is safe to say, had been dying since the end of the 90s with one and a half MiG 29s and two two-seater MiG-21UMs in flying condition, which were on call steam. Based on the tactical and technical requirements prescribed by the Serbian Air Force, the Ministry of Defense of Serbia received several offers, both from countries from the East and from countries from the West: Lockheed Martin’s F-16, SAAB’s “Gripen“, Russian MiG-29M /M2, Chinese JF-17 and French Dassault “Rafal“. The decision, as is known, fell on the Russian MiG-29M/M2 when a squadron of these fighter planes was offered for a loan in the amount of one and a half billion US dollars in a package with BUK-M2 and S-300PMU2 missile systems, Mi-17 helicopters and Mi-35M, Nebo-M radars, etc. Of course, when it comes to equipping the army, one listens to what the “profession“ says, but the story of the acquisition of any kind of weapons, especially the most expensive and sophisticated ones, is primarily political, but it turned out to be also economic, because the IMF is the body of the financial arrangement who prevented new borrowing by Serbia with a Russian loan, so the whole arrangement failed Koliko se isplati kupovina francuskih višenamenskih borbenih aviona Dassault Rafale za ratno vazduhoplovstvo Vojske Srbije? Nabavka koja je sada već prilično izvesna, višenamenskih francuskih borbenih aviona “Rafal“ za srpsko ratno vazduhoplovstvo nije baš nova priča. Prvi put se ovaj moderni i veoma sofisticirani dvomotorni borbeni avion pred stručnjacima srpskog Ministarstva odbrane i Vojske Srbije kao dobar izbor našao još pre desetak godina. Tada se, naime, ozbiljnije počelo razmišljati o revitalizaciji srpske lovačke avijacije koja je, slobodno se može reći, još od kraja ’90-ih bila na izdisaju sa jednim i po MiGom 29 i dva dvoseda MiG-21UM u letnom stanju koji su činili dežurnu paru. Na osnovu taktičko-tehničkih zahteva koje je propisalo srpsko vazduhoplovstvo, u Ministarstvo odbrane Srbije je stiglo više ponuda, kako iz zemalja sa Istoka, tako i iz zemalja sa Zapada Lockheed Martinov F-16, SAAB-ov “Gripen“, ruski MiG-29M/M2, kineski JF-17 i francuski Dassault “Rafal“. Odluka je, kao što se zna, pala na ruske MiG-29M/M2 kada je eskadrila ovih borbenih aviona nuđena na kredit u iznosu od milijardu i po američkih dolara u paketu sa raketnim sistemima BUK-M2 i S-300PMU2, helikopterima Mi-17 i Mi-35M, radarima Nebo-M itd. Naravno, kada je reč o opremanju vojske, sluša se ono što kaže “struka“, ali je priča o nabavci bilo kakvog naoružanja, a naročito onog najskupljeg i najsofisticiranijeg, pre svega politička, ali se ispostavilo i ekonomska, jer je MMF zbor finansijskog aranžmana koji je sprečio novo zaduživanje Srbije ruskim kreditom, pa je ceo aranžman propao.
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