'심정지설 일축' 푸틴, 건재 과시 “회의 일정 많아“ Over in Russia. The Kremlin on Tuesday dismissed rumors that Russian President Vladimir Putin had suffered a cardiac arrest. Russian authorities released pictures, apparently taken on the same day, showing Putin and Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov in a meeting. The denial followed posts that emerged on the Telegram messaging app on Sunday, that Putin had suffered a cardiac arrest, and that the Russian president was “very ill“ and unlikely to survive, with all official meetings being conducted by a body double. Russian officials called the rumors an “absurd hoax“ and said “everything is fine“ with the president. The Telegram channel 'General SVR' has made a number of claims about President Putin's health in the past, including saying he has cancer. #Russian_President #Vladimir_Putin #Kremlin #heart_attack_rumors #cardiac_arrest #Russia #General_SVR #심정지설_일축 #러시아_대통령 #푸틴 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2023-10-25, 09:00 (KST)
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