⭐️Thanks to my friends Sebastian, Marcin, Lee and my lovely Anna who helped me out with the table and lots of other stuff. ⭐️Thanks to my friend David Damek aka Plasmo for coming, it was a pleasure to host such a legend! ⭐️Big thanks to all friends, subscribers and Patreons who came to our table for a little chat and to all organizers of this massive event! ⭐️Special thanks to Red Fox studio and Kinetic models! ⭐️🔥Please chceck the Help Heal Veterans fundraiser attached with this video and consider donating for the good cause and support veterans!💪 ⭐️If you liked this video please consider using “Thank“ button! ⭐️ Extra content on my patreon for only £1 per month! - 🇬🇧⭐️Support the channel and shop at Super-Hobby! (Affiliate link) - Use code scalehangar182 at checkout for a small discount! ⭐️Red fox studio 3d cockpit sets - ⭐️ Awesome 3d files for printing! - ⭐️More awesome model kits at Hobby Link Japan! (Affiliate link) - ⭐️ Affordable airbrushing sets - (Affiliate link) ⭐️Hataka paints - 🔥🔥🔥 Anna's Patreon page - Contact: scalehangar182@ Social media Instagram - Twitter - Facebook page - Video timeline: 00:00 - Intro 00:11 - Display tables 19:25 - Competition tables 24:42 - Credits 25:11 - SPECIAL
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