Laapataa Ladies Directed By Kiran Rao Is India’s Official Entry To Oscars 2025 | News18 Live | N18G ‘Laapataa Ladies’ is India’s official entry for Oscars 2025. The film is directed by Kiran Rao and co-produced by Aamir Khan. The film released earlier this year and was received with much love. The film stars Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Shrivastava, Chhaya Kadam and Ravi Kishan. Laapataa Ladies’ Oscar entry comes just a few days after Kiran Rao confessed it is her dream that Laapataa Ladies goes to the Oscars. Laapataa Ladies will be eyeing a nomination in the Best Foreign Film. The members of The Film Federation of India gathered in Chennai and announced that they are sending Laapataa Ladies as India’s official entry to the 97th Academy Awards. Kiran Rao at her best in her 50s! Talking about her directorial debut #LaapataaLadies with Sonal Mehrotra Kapoor, Kiran Rao reveals rejecting Aamir for being “too big a star“ for the role💥 ’We are age
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