Supreme Court judges, along with actor-producer Aamir Khan and director-producer-screenwriter Kiran Rao, attended the screening of the film *Laapataa Ladies* at the Supreme Court. The film was screened as part of a gender sensitisation programme. Law Today brings you the latest breaking developments in the world of law and courts. Law Today keeps you up to date on all that is happening in Courts across the country along with analyzing legal issues that concern you. We bring you the top legal voices from India including judges, senior advocates, legal scholars and more. For ideas, suggestions and feedback, write to us at lawtodayofficial@ Subscribe to Law Today for NEW VIDEOS EVERY DAY and make sure to enable Push Notifications so you'll never miss a new video. All you need to do is PRESS THE BELL ICON next to the Subscribe button! Stay tuned for latest updates and in-depth analysis of legal news from India and around the world! WEBSITE: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: #SupremeCourt #GenderSensitisation #LaapataaLadies #AamirKhan #KiranRao #Bollywood #IndianJudiciary #GenderEquality #LawToday #FilmScreening #NewsUpdate #BreakingNews #IndiaToday #LegalNews
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