In 1938, a groundbreaking discovery shook the world, unearthing ancient mysteries that had long been buried. The Neapolitan Giant emerged as an enigmatic figure from the depths of history, a silent witness to forgotten epochs. Join us as we unravel the secrets of this colossal find, embarking on a journey through the corridors of time and delving into the realms of archaeology and ancient myths. Uncover the hidden enigmas of history alongside us, as we unveil the astonishing secrets held by this ancient giant from Naples. #nephilim #giant #neapol Music: Devils On The Doorstep 1 - Fredrik Ekstrom Beyond the Mountains - Experia Time to Target - Hampus Naeselius Silent as Smoke - Jay Varton Referal link EpidemicSound: Link: Genesis 6:1–4 Brigataes, Il più grande artista del mondo
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