In the premiere episode of Dawn of Us: Anunnaki Origins, we are introduced to a world beyond human understanding—a world where ancient gods walk among men. As the Anunnaki descend upon Earth, a new chapter in the planet's history begins. Lost Civilizations. The powerful beings, seeking to fulfill their divine purpose, set their sights on a grand experiment: the creation of a new being, Adamu. But this is no ordinary creation—it marks the dawn of humanity. Witness the birth of Adamu and the unfolding of a cosmic plan that will shape the fate of mankind for millennia to come. Sources Include... Late night episodes of Ancient Aliens... Shit I heard on Joe Rogan... and A LOT of TikTok's! FOLLOW US ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIA @DawnOfUsSeries Inspiration @grahamhancock @TheRandallCarlson @BrightInsight @UnchartedX @TheWhyFiles @joerogan @billycarsonofficial @CampGagnon @ourtruehistory3009 and like a ton more...
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