English: ________________________________________________________________________ So the long-awaited cover came out. Over time, we delayed a little, but it’s better later than never. Many thanks, I want to highlight Astra Malerei, who helped me in this collab, playing the role of the second animator. I want to see you return on subscriptions and likes for him, because the collab would not be so wonderful without him. Also thanks to Danvol and his team for recording this one of the best translation of the cover. ________________________________________________________________________ Programes, which were used in this video: - Cinema4D (ColdUn - Me) - Source Fillmaker (Astra Malerei) - Filmora9 (Frame Placement and Text) - Vegas Pro 15 (Edit) Programes, which were used in this preview: - Cinema4D (3D Models) - Photoshop (Treatment) ________________________________________________________________________ Astra Malerei - (SFM) Rus. Cover by: Danvol & TMW - Cover: http
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