Title: “Venus: Where a Day Outlasts a Year“ Venus, often referred to as Earth's twin, hides a celestial oddity. On this scorching planet, a day is actually longer than a year. Venus's rotation is exceptionally slow, taking about 243 Earth days to complete one full rotation. In contrast, its orbit around the Sun is relatively faster, lasting only about 225 Earth days. This peculiar mismatch means that Venus experiences a day that lasts longer than its year. Its days are oppressively hot and longer than its relentless journey around the Sun, making it one of the most intriguing anomalies in our solar system. This fascinating celestial paradox challenges our common sense of planetary timekeeping. #venus #astrology #moon #mars #jupiter #love #saturn #art #libra #space #mercury #astrologia #a #sun #earth #nasa #planets #astronomy #pluto #s #uranus #n #universe #marte #saturno #beauty #luna #aphrodite #aries #cosmos #leo #sol #virgo #nature #zodiac #planet #neptune #tau
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