Title: Unmasking Jack the Ripper: A Century-Old Mystery That Endures Introduction In the dark streets of Victorian London during the late 19th century, a series of gruesome and unsolved murders sent shockwaves through society, creating a legend that would endure for over a century. Jack the Ripper, the elusive and sadistic serial killer who terrorized the Whitechapel district, remains one of history's most notorious criminals, leaving behind a legacy of mystery and fear. The Reign of Terror The terror attributed to Jack the Ripper began in the autumn of 1888 when a series of brutal murders shocked the impoverished neighborhoods of Whitechapel. The killer targeted women, mainly prostitutes, and exhibited a level of brutality that horrified even the most hardened investigators of the time. The gruesome nature of the murders, coupled with the apparent surgical precision of the attacks, fueled public hysteria and a media frenzy. The Canonical Five While Jack the Rippe
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