Set in 1965 New York City, the film tells the story prior to the legendary horror classic Rosemary’s Baby, exploring what happened in the Bramford before Rosemary moved in. When a struggling, young dancer (Garner) suffers a devastating injury, she finds herself drawn in by dark forces when a peculiar, well-connected, older couple promises her a shot at fame. Streaming 28 September exclusively on Paramount Welcome to a mountain of entertainment from Paramount UK & Ireland, the streaming service that’s always worth watching. With blockbuster movies, new originals and exclusive series. Plus, a whole world of iconic drama, action, reality, comedy, documentaries and kids shows, there’s something for everyone. Find out more and subscribe to Paramount at Ts&Cs apply. Join our social community to obsess with us over your favourite shows and movies, and be the first to hear exclusive news and releases. Instagram:
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