


Rotten XIII - Oi! Baldorba (Bideoklip Ofiziala)

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Doako deskarga / Descarga gratuita / Free download ROTTEN XIII (Larraga -Tafalla, Basque Country) Grabaketa, edizioa eta produkzioa: Oier Araiz Oi! Baldorba abestia Rotten Amairu-ren lehen diskatik hartuta. Iruñako Sound of Sirens estudioan grabatua. Intro: Benito Lertxundi – Oi lur Nafarroako Erdialdean egindako bideoklipa. Canción Oi! Baldorba de Rotten Amairu tomada de su primer disco. Grabado en los estudios Sound of Sirens de Iruña. Intro: Benito Lertxundi – Oi lur Videoclip realizado en la Zona Media de Navarra. Oi! Baldorba song taken from Rotten Amairu’s debut album. Recorded in Sound of Sirens studios in Iruña. Intro: Benito Lertxundi – Oi lur Video clip made in the middle area of Navarre. Eskerrik asko bertan parte hartu zenuten guztioi! Bandcamp: Facebook: Contact: rottenamairu@ Letra: Nekazariak nekatu dira uzta transgenikoetaz, naturaren oihua entzun dute. Ehundaka urtez zutik zirauten zuhaitz zahar handiek azken martxari ekin diote. Ez ditugu inolaz onartuko liberalen legeak, irrintzi bat entzun da akelarrean. Herri guztietan elizak, sutan, argitzen du bidea. Basatien garaia iritsi da! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Baldorba, Herriaren amorrua bere jabearen aurka. Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Baldorba, dirua zuek duzue baina lurra gurea da! Fabriketako kateak hautsi, komunalari eutsi ta ez ezazu inor zapaltzen utzi. Ardiak zaunka txakurren aurka, artaldea hautsi da ta errepidean zizak atera dira. Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Baldorba, herriaren amorrua bere jabearen aurka. Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Baldorba, dirua zuek duzue baina lurra gurea da! Lyrics: The farmers are sick of transgenic harvests they have heard the scream of the nature The trees that have been stand up for hundred of years have started now the last march. We will never accept the liberal’s laws There is a ancient calling coming from the Akelarre The burning churches all along the villages lights up the way The time of the wildness has come. Oi! Baldorba! the rage of the people against the owner of the land Oi! Baldorba! They have the money, but the land is for us. Break the chains of the factories, keep the common property and dont ever let they smash you down. The sheeps are barking against the dogs, the flock has broken and there are mushrooms growing on the road. Oi! Baldorba! the rage of the people against the owner of the land Oi! Baldorba! They have the money, but the land is for us.

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