This suburi set was created by Kazuo Chiba Sensei, a direct student of the Founder, Morihei Ueshiba. Each suburi focuses on different footwork followed by Tsuki and pivot. Tachi Waza: Jun Hirano 4 dan Suwari Waza: Mihaly Dobroka 4 dan Kodachi Application: Stella Ye 4 dan I hope this video, showing all the individual movements and intents, will help you make a start in your own practice. EXCLUSIVE FOR YOU! Quote my name [MIHALYAIKIDO] to enjoy 10% discounts off on all merchandise! Explore the look on --- SUPPORT ME ON PATREON --- Thank you in advance! --- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA --- FaceBook: ály-Dobróka-2424605580923398/?modal=admin_todo_tour Instagram:
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