In the golden savannah, a baby zebra named Zuri dreams of finding the mythical Rainbow Valley. When her best friend, Gigi the giraffe, goes missing, Zuri embarks on a daring rescue mission. Facing dangers like the Thorny Thicket and a prowling lion, Zuri’s loyalty and bravery shine through. Ultimately, she finds Gigi trapped in vines at the Rainbow Valley, and together they discover the true meaning of friendship. Their adventure becomes a tale of courage and loyalty shared throughout the savannah. #kids #story #kidsvideo #stories #children #child #childhood #videoforkids video for #english #learnenglish #انيميشن #انجليزي #forest #courage #قصص_اطفال #adventure #brave #حمار #سباقات #أنيمي # #ا
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