Requiem for Vengeance will take place at the European front during the One Year War, a conflict also depicted in the first Gundam series Mobile Suit Gundam. This series follows the themes such as conflict and love seen in previous Gundam titles, as well as human drama depicted through the clash of pilots who operate humanoid weapons called Mobile Suits. [Series Title] Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance [Staff] Production: Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc. Sunrise Studio SAFEHOUSE Inc. Director: Erasmus Brosdau Writer: Gavin Hignight Executive producers: Naohiro Ogata, Gavin Hignight Producer: Hiroaki Yura Character design: Manuel Augusto Dischinger Moura Mechanical design: Kimitoshi Yamane Music: Wilbert Roget,II [Cast] Main cast: Celia Massingham [Official Website]
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