A new (Devise) Exia with a Double Drive. The Gundam Devise Exia as seen in “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Revealed Chronicle” joins the METAL BUILD “Mobile Suit Gundam 00“ series! Includes new weapons by “Mobile Suit Gundam 00“ mechanical designer Kanetake Ebikawa, such as a GN Last Sword and GN Devise Backpack. The GN Devise Backpack can Mount accessories from other (separately sold) figures in the series, allowing you to create numerous configurations. METAL BUILD Gundam Devise Exia On Sale: October 2022 MSRP: 22,000 yen (Inc. 10% tax) For more details, see the official website: See the preview for the “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Revealed Chronicle” from the METAL BUILD “Mobile Suit Gundam 00“ project here: The GUNDAM FIGURES LIVE show features exclusive guests and previews of new products! Check out previous episodes here:
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