Just a quick update. I had another look last night and it seems that only two of the four possible video signals had anything on them. I had noticed earlier a lot of bare or naked legs on the board. Then it occurred to me today ... there’s no decoupling capacitors at all on the board! So it looks like all the decoupling capacitors have been removed - most likely because they contained valuable metals. This isn’t an issue - I can replace them. Near the video output stage there appears to be missing transistors as well. The machine is supposed to be similar to the ПК-01 Львив/Львов (PC-01 Lviv) - that machine doesn’t have any transistors at its video output stage. But I will start with replacing all the missing capacitors I can guess, then think further on the transistors - perhaps trying to make a small schematic from the traces to see if there’s any broken signal paths due to the missing transistors (??). Other videos about this PC-02: КР580ВМ80А 8080
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