Inspired by the rich folklore of ancient Norse mythology, this instrumental song pays homage to the legendary story of Fenrir, a colossal and ferocious wolf whose significance runs deep within Norse folklore. According to the ancient tales, Fenrir, son of Loki, was destined to bring chaos and destruction to the realms of gods and humans alike. In an attempt to prevent this calamity, the gods devised a plan to bind Fenrir. Through cunning deception, they lured him into accepting a magical chain called Gleipnir. However, as Fenrir sensed the trickery, he demanded a show of good faith by having one of the gods place their hand in his jaws as a guarantee of safety. Tyr, the brave god of war, willingly sacrificed his hand for the greater good, sealing Fenrir’s fate. I hope this song captures the essence of this timeless Norse myth, immersing the listener deep into this dark and ominous tale. It was an absolute pleasure of mine working with Bjorth on this song and I am left honored with what we have produced. L
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