料理手札: 蔥段於鍋中拌炒至金黃後,先起鍋備用,使鍋中保有濃郁蔥香,且避免蔥段焦黑而產生苦味。 食材與調味皆拌炒後,倒入鍋中的清水需為熱水,以避免食材瞬間降溫而減少料理香氣。 肉片的部分除建議選用的「中里肌」之外,也可選用口感一樣軟嫩的「小里肌 (腰內肉)」。 ------------------- 食材 中里肌肉片(俗稱老鼠肉)-150g、洋蔥絲-80g、薑片-5g、青蔥(切段)-3小支、八角-2小顆、花椒粒-¼茶匙、熱水-700ml、陽春麵條-1份(100g) 調味 辣豆瓣醬-1湯匙、蕃茄醬-1湯匙、醬油-2湯匙、白砂糖-1茶匙、白胡椒粉-¼茶匙、鹽-¼茶匙 步驟 (1) 中火熱鍋,倒入1湯匙的食用油,放入蔥段拌炒至金黃色澤後,起鍋備用。 (2) 同一油鍋,倒入1湯匙的食用油,放入薑片、花椒粒及八角拌炒至香氣呈現,放入洋蔥絲拌炒至軟化,再放入肉片拌炒至上色。 (3) 放入拌炒後的蔥段拌勻,放入除了鹽以外的所有調味料拌勻,再倒入熱水,以中火煮至沸騰後,轉小火蓋鍋悶煮15分鐘,起鍋前再放入鹽拌勻即可。 (4) 準備一鍋熱水,將麵條汆燙至熟後,起鍋與蔥燒豬肉湯盛碗即可。 ------------------- Ingredients 150g sliced pork leg tenderside, 80g sliced onion, 5g sliced ginger, 3 green onion(cut into strips), 2 star anise, ¼ Sichuan peppercorn, 700ml warm water, 100g Chinese wheat noodles Seasoning 2 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 Tbsp chili bean paste, 1 Tbsp ketchup, 1 tsp sugar, ¼ ground white pepper, ¼ tsp salt Instructions (1) Heat the pan over medium heat, pour 1 Tbsp cooking oil. Add the green onion and stir fry until golden brown, then lift out of the pan. (2) Same pan, pour 1 Tbsp cooking oil. Add the ginger, Sichuan peppercorn and star anise, stir fry until the aroma appears. Add the onion and stir fry until soft. Add the pork and stir fry until white. (3) Add the cooked green onion, add all seasoning and stir well. Pour the warm water and stir well. Boil over medium heat, cover the pot and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, then add salt and stir well, set aside. (4) Boil a pot of water over medium heat, add the noodles and cook until cooked. Add the noodles and pork soup in a bowl. Enjoy!
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