Special thanks to Based Serb, he helped me with bunch of stuff in this video, like the lyrics, description, references, corrections, etc. March on Drina, composed a little bit after the Battle of Cer, where the outnumbered and weaker Serbian army faced the Austro-Hungarian forces. The little Army comprised of villagers defeated the Imperial army and kicked them out of Serbian land. The commander of the battle, Stepa Stepanović was promoted to Vojvoda (field marshal, highest serbian army rank) and the entire world was amazed at how small, yet powerful people could defeat the austrian-hungarians. Lyrics: У бој крените јунаци сви Кренте и не жалте живот свој Цер да чује твој, Цер нек види бој,, А река Дрина, Славу, храброст и јуначку руку српског сина. Пој, пој, Дрино водо хладна ти Памти, причај кад су падали Памти храбри строј који је пун огња, силе, снаге, Протерао туђина са реке наше драге. Пој, пој, Дрино, причај роду ми Како смо се храбро борили Певао је строј, војев’о се бој крај хладне воде Крв је текла,Крв се лила Дрином због слободе. To war, go forth all heroes Go forth and don’t feel sorry for your lives Cer to hear yours, Cer to see battle, And river Drina, Glory, Courage and Heroic hand of Serbian sons. Hear, hear, Drina you cold river Remember, tell when we fell Remember the brave Army, that full of courage, force, strength, Banished the invader from our dear river. Hear, hear, Drina, tell to my people How bravely we fought The army was singing, the battle was being fought next to cold river Blood was spilling, blood was flowing through Drina for freedom.
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