Based on the survival/horror video game by Acid Wizard Studio. -- Music is from the original soundtrack to the movie Mother! Dialogue is from the suburb reading of Robert Frost’s Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening performed by Seth Hunter Perkins. -- Darkwood follows the haunted fairy tale of a man trapped in a seemingly endless forest which is home to other imprisoned villagers but also worse creatures that prefer the night. Staying too long under the twisted branches seems to change humans into monsters and nightmares come alive in the shadows, forcing the player to build up a reserve of weapons, defenses, and concoctions to try and keep the encroaching malignancy at bay or at least understand how everything went so wrong in the darkness of the woods. -- I used the following clips: It’s In the Blood, Slither, The Forest, Blair Witch, Conductor (Russian Movie), Exit Humanity, 7 Days to Die live action commercial, The Barrens,
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