A young man from Henan, China, presents innovative acrobatics. As for a traditional skill passed on by his father, the acrobat creates some original moves on his own. 力与美并存!河南小伙表演高难度顶功杂技,创新演绎古老技艺 #AmazingChinese #了不起的中国人 #acrobatics #humanflag Subscribe to Amazing Chinese: @amazingchinesetalentshow 【欢迎订阅了不起的中国人频道】@amazingchinesetalentshow Be prepared to have some “WOW!!“ moments! This channel will definitely surprise you by presenting some really amazing Chinese people and their unique “superpowers“. 这里有一群身怀绝技的中国人!从中国功夫到街头杂耍,从最强大脑到最牛街舞,从军旅神枪手到民间手艺人,千行百业各擅胜场,网红奇招样样精通。在这里,遇见来自中国的“俗世奇人”。
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