


#asmaulhusna #yaallah #99namesofallah #subhanallah #allahuakbar #ramadan2024 @MyDearestALLAH

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@MyDearestALLAH #My_Dearest_ALLAH #MyDearALLAH 1. Allah: The Greatest Name 2. Ar-Rahman: The Most Gracious 3. Ar-Rahim: The Most Merciful 4. Al-Malik: The King 5. Al-Quddus: The Most Holy 6. As-Salam: The Source of Peace 7. Al-Mu’min: The Guardian of Faith 8. Al-Muhaymin: The Protector 9. Al-Aziz: The Mighty 10. Al-Jabbar: The Compeller 11. Al-Mutakabbir: The Majestic 12. Al-Khaliq: The Creator 13. Al-Bari: The Evolver 14. Al-Musawwir: The Fashioner 15. Al-Ghaffar: The Forgiver 16. Al-Qahhar: The Subduer 17. Al-Wahhab: The Bestower 18. Ar-Razzaq: The Provider 19. Al-Fattah: The Opener 20. Al-Alim: The All-Knowing 21. Al-Qabid: The Restrainer 22. Al-Basit: The Expander 23. Al-Khafid: The Abaser 24. Ar-Rafi: The Exalter 25. Al-Mu’izz: The Giver of Honor 26. Al-Mudhill: The Giver of Dishonor 27. As-Sami: The All-Hearing 28. Al-Basir: The All-Seeing 29. Al-Hakam: The Judge 30. Al-Adl: The Just 31. Al-Latif: The Subtle 32. Al-Khabir: The All-Aware 33. Al-Halim: The Forbearing 34. Al-Azim: The Magnificent 35. Al-Ghafur: The Forgiving 36. Ash-Shakur: The Appreciative 37. Al-Ali: The Most High 38. Al-Kabir: The Great 39. Al-Hafiz: The Guardian 40. Al-Muqit: The Sustainer 41. Al-Hasib: The Reckoner 42. Al-Jalil: The Majestic 43. Al-Karim: The Generous 44. Ar-Raqib: The Watchful 45. Al-Mujib: The Responsive 46. Al-Wasi: The All-Encompassing 47. Al-Hakim: The Wise 48. Al-Wadud: The Loving 49. Al-Majid: The Majestic 50. Al-Ba’ith: The Resurrector 51. Ash-Shahid: The Witness 52. Al-Haqq: The Truth 53. Al-Wakil: The Trustee 54. Al-Qawi: The Strong 55. Al-Matin: The Firm 56. Al-Wali: The Protecting Friend 57. Al-Hamid: The Praiseworthy 58. Al-Muhsi: The Enumerator 59. Al-Mubdi: The Originator 60. Al-Mu’id: The Restorer 61. Al-Muhyi: The Giver of Life 62. Al-Mumit: The Taker of Life 63. Al-Hayy: The Ever-Living 64. Al-Qayyum: The Self-Subsisting 65. Al-Wajid: The Finder 66. Al-Majid: The Noble 67. Al-Wahid: The Unique 68. Al-Ahad: The One 69. As-Samad: The Eternal Refuge 70. Al-Qadir: The Powerful 71. Al-Muqtadir: The Determiner 72. Al-Muqaddim: The Expediter 73. Al-Mu’akhkhir: The Delayer 74. Al-Awwal: The First 75. Al-Akhir: The Last 76. Az-Zahir: The Manifest 77. Al-Batin: The Hidden 78. Al-Wali: The Governor 79. Al-Muta’ali: The Most Exalted 80. Al-Barr: The Source of Goodness 81. At-Tawwab: The Acceptor of Repentance 82. Al-Muntaqim: The Avenger 83. Al-Afuww: The Pardoner 84. Ar-Ra’uf: The Compassionate 85. Malik al-Mulk: The Owner of All Sovereignty 86. Dhu al-Jalal wal-Ikram: The Lord of Majesty and Generosity 87. Al-Muqsit: The Equitable 88. Al-Jami’: The Gatherer 89. Al-Ghani: The Self-Sufficient 90. Al-Mughni: The Enricher 91. Al-Mani’: The Preventer 92. Ad-Darr: The Distressor 93. An-Nafi’: The Benefactor 94. An-Nur: The Light 95. Al-Hadi: The Guide 96. Al-Badi: The Incomparable 97. Al-Baqi: The Everlasting 98. Al-Warith: The Inheritor 99. Ar-Rashid: The Righteous Guide #99NamesOfAllah #AsmaulHusna #الخالق #الملك #الحي #القيوم #القدوس #السلام #المؤمن #المهيمن #العزيز #الجبار #المتكبر #الخبير #الحليم #العليم #القابض #الباسط #الرافع #المعز #المذل #السميع #البصير #الحكم #العدل #اللطيف #الخبير #الحليم #العظيم #الغفور #الشكور #العلي #الكبير #الحفيظ #المقيت #الحسيب #الجليل #الكريم #الرقيب #المجيب #الواسع #الحكيم #الودود #المجيد #الباعث #الشهيد #الحق #الوكيل #القوي #المتين #الودود #الحميد #المحسن #الفتاح #العليم #المبدئ #المعيد #المحيي #المميت #الحي #القيوم #الواجد #الماجد #الواحد #الأحد #الصمد #القادر #المقتدر #المقدم #المؤخر #الأول #الآخر #الظاهر #الباطن #الولي #المتعالي #البر #التواب #المنتقم #العفو #الرؤوف #مالك_الملك #ذو_الجلال_والإكرام #المقسط #الجامع #الغني #المغني #المانع #الضار #النافع #النور #الهادي #البديع #الباقي #الوارث #الرشيد #Creator #TheKing #TheLiving #TheSustainer #TheHoly #SourceOfPeace #TheGuardianOfFaith #TheProtector #TheMighty #TheCompeller #TheMajestic #TheForgiver #TheSubduer #TheBestower #TheProvider #TheOpener #AllKnowing #TheRestrainer #TheExpander #TheAbaser #TheExalter #TheGiverOfHonor #TheGiverOfDishonor #TheAllHearing #TheAllSeeing #TheJudge #TheJust #TheSubtle #TheAllAware #TheForbearing #TheMagnificent #TheForgiving #TheAppreciative #TheMostHigh #TheGreat #TheGuardian #TheSustainer #TheReckoner #TheMajestic #TheGenerous #TheWatchful #TheResponsive #TheAllEncompassing #TheWise #TheLoving #TheMajestic #TheResurrector #TheWitness #TheTruth #TheTrustee #ThePowerful #TheFirm #TheProtectingFriend #ThePraiseworthy #TheEnumerator #TheOriginator #TheRestorer #TheGiverOfLife #TheTakerOfLife #

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