Cosmos Laundromat (code name Gooseberry Movie Project), is an in-development 3D Animation film project by the Blender Institute. This film is written and is produced by the team of 12 international animation studios around the world. Synopsis: On a desolate island, a suicidal sheep named Franck meets his fate…in the form of a quirky salesman named Victor, who offers him the gift of a lifetime. The gift is many lifetimes, actually, in many different worlds – each lasting just a few minutes. In the sequel to the pilot, Franck will find a new reason to live…in the form of a bewitching female adventurer named Tara, who awakens his long-lost lust for life. But can Franck keep up with her? The film is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. (CC) Blender Foundation | For questions about licensing rights for the film content you can email: foundation at .
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