Title: “Shelley Duvall’s Hilarious Mix-Up at the Ice Cream Parlor“ Date: August 10, 1985 Place: Beverly Hills, California In the summer of 1985, Shelley Duvall, the renowned actress known for her roles in classic films like “The Shining“ and “Popeye,“ found herself in the midst of a comical mix-up at an ice cream parlor in Beverly Hills. It was a sunny afternoon, and Shelley, craving a sweet treat, decided to visit a popular local ice cream shop. As she entered, she noticed a long line of customers eagerly waiting to place their orders. Wanting to avoid the crowd, she decided to take a quick look at the menu posted on the wall. Unbeknownst to Shelley, her celebrity status had not gone unnoticed by the enthusiastic ice cream parlor staff. The young cashier, a fervent fan of her work, recognized her instantly and couldn’t believe that Shelley Duvall was standing right in front of her. Overwhelmed with excitement, the cashier approac
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