One of my favorite songs! Thank you for watching, hope you’ll like it. -- Falling in love with コウ様’sTda式改変ミクさん, thus I tried to modify the model that shared by other authors. Thanks for their fantastic works! -- Music 【GUMI】KING【Kanaria】(sm37287661) Dance ぽるし様(sm37373662) Motion じゅんこだ様(sm37475206) (結尾一定程度參照:陽音様(sm37473299)【配布終了】) Camera Aztemble Tool MikuMikuDance:樋口優様 MikuMikuEffect:舞力介入P様 PmxEditor:極北P様 Model: Tda式改変ミク(改変:Aztemble, 參照Ð
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