WARNING: contains strong language & flashing images. -- Come on over and have some fun with CRAAAZY TAXI! ..except it’s been 25 years since the Dreamcast released and well, Axel can’t move on from his reckless riding, offspring jiving glory days. -- This was my submission for the Newgrounds Dreamcast Collab! Easily my most ambitious animated project yet, while not perfect, I’m super happy with the outcome! Please enjoy. :)) View the whole collab here: -- Twitter: Instagram: Support me on ko-fi! (it lets me make more cool animations like this!) -- CREDITS: animated by Violet Schofield (me) -- voice cast: Lawyer - Terrance Nicholson @TerranceNicholsonVoiceActor Judge - Dinesh A. Driving Instructor Goth - Violet Schofield (me) Counselor - Hannah Conway VMU - meulinex Crazy Narrator - also me LEGACY voice cast (archival audio) Axel - Bryan Burton Lewis B.D. Joe - Kent Frick Gena - Lisle Wilkerson -- additional art: DespiseGirls (courtroom sketch) @DespiseGirls -- music /SFX: All I Want (Cover) - TeraVex Crazy (Cover) Wolleysblues MIDIs provided by MIDIWORLD SPECIAL THANKS: Plazmin Swirls Lukornia SFX provided via creative commons individual authors: monsterthing augustsandberg cdonahueucsd janbuilderr artninja breviceps craigsmith luminadii zapsplat klankbeeld csproductions arnaud-coutancier mullumbimby amrdjan georgehopkins jdr3productions
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