Watch classic Hindi movie,Raja Harishchandra (1913) on Movie Heritage channel. Subscribe to our channel: CAST: Dattatreya Kshirsagar Dattatreya Telang Ganpat G. Shinde Vishnu Hari Aundhkar Nath T. Telang Directed by: Dadasaheb Phalke Produced by: Dadasaheb Phalke MOVIE SYNOPSIS: The film opens with a scene of a tableaux patterned on the painting by Raja Ravi Varma, of Raja Harishchandra and his wife with their son. The film revolves around the noble and righteous king, Harishchandra, who first sacrifices his kingdom, followed by his wife and eventually his children to honour his promise to the sage Vishwamitra. Though, in the end, pleased by his high morals, the Gods restore his former glory, and further bestow him with divine blessings. Watch natural homemade remedies for skin & hair care, pain relief & common illness at LIVE VEDIC channel. Click the link to subscribe now Watch amazing learning & ent
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