Barun Sobti will next be seen in SonyLIV’s web series, Raat Jawaan Hai, alongside Priya Bapat and Anjali Anand, which is set for a release on October 11. In an unfiltered exclusive conversation with CNN-News18 Showsha’s Titas Chowdhury, Barun gets candid on how fatherhood changed him, being a hands-on father to Sifat and Meer despite the presence of their nannies, facing dad’s guilt and why dads unlike moms aren’t asked about their struggle to maintain a balance between work and home. LOCATION: CAFE CREMA, MUMBAI Watch the full interview right here. #barunsobti #kohrra #kohra #sanayairani #webseries bollywood news | entertainment news live | latest bollywood news | bollywood | news18 | n18oc_movies Liked the video? Please press the thumbs up icon and leave a comment. Subscribe to Showsha YouTube channel and never miss a video: Follow Showsha on Instagram: Follow Showsha on Facebook: Follow Showsha on X: Follow Showsha on Snapchat: More entertainment and lifestyle news and updates on:
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