GET THEM MIDI FILES HERE ➡ “These Things, They Take Time.“ - Man who is unable to count to three. Ah, the Re-Release! The great divider! Will people prefer the sound of the bare bones and raw tones from the Original, or the shaped and precisely engineered resonances of the Re-release? I hope this debate will never be settled and the fan base will forever be divided, unable to reach consensus! Honestly, I had the files already, and i’m not really proud of the first one. I’ve reached a certain standard with these, so a remake was much needed. To this day, the modern metal sound is still very much shaped by this album. It really is a unique piece of music. I tried to keep the mix within the Lufs-I range according to Youtube Standards. Does it sound any better? Timestamps: 00:00 - Stengah 05:41 - Rational Gaze 11:04 - Perpetual Black Second. 15:38 - Closed Eye Visuals 23:01 - Glints Collide 27:57 - Organic Shadows 33:07 - Straws Pulled at Random 38:15 - Spasm 42:30 - Nebulous 49:32 - Obsidian
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