When Madelyn Cline joined the very impressive cast of the hugely-anticipated Knives Out sequel, Glass Onion, she was equal parts elated and terrified. The 24-year-old actress joins the likes of Kate Hudson, Janelle Monae, Kathryn Hahn, Edward Norton and Daniel Craig in the second instalment of Rian Johnson’s murder mystery, which is gearing up to become a Netflix Christmas blockbuster when it is released on the streaming site on 23 December. In it, she plays the whimsical Whiskey – one half of an influencer duo with her boyfriend Duke (played by wrestler and actor, Dave Bautista). In our latest episode of What You Don’t know About Me the actress discusses her nerves over joining the sequel, how ’Outer Banks’ changed her life and her preference for a glass of wine – with ice. #madelyncline #glassonion #bazaaruk Don’t miss out on our latest video ►► // ABOUT BAZAAR UK // The essential edit of chic, high-en
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