Sound therapy consists of encrypted information that penetrates into your body with the help of sound and activates its potential. Clearing it of negativity, correcting all failures and problems. Returning a person to a good, full-fledged state. You can believe it or not, it doesn't make any difference, the sounds just work. Sound therapy makes all internal organs and cells vibrate in time. Therefore, you will be able to feel its effect already during the first listening. While listening, someone may feel tingling all over your body or in some specific place, you may start to fall asleep. You may experience different emotional reactions, a sudden rush of joy, a desire to get up and go somewhere, you may even start crying. Don't be scared. This is how sound therapy works. These are short-term natural reactions of the body. To get the full effect of sound therapy, it is recommended to listen to it completely, for at least 12 days, 2 times a day! You don't have to do anything
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