Download all the original scene files and full tutorial on my Patreon page: Join the Patreon group for more : Special Thanks to my Patrons! Aldeir Silva Lee Todd Willie Woodward Gin E Strikos Lasthope IceyDevv TiddlerDrown Alfred Ramírez Aguirre mdgiani Ihor Nykolak caio cunha Brandy Torres Sanu Singh Runesquirrel Michael Firkins Adela Cyberspace Siren Kirill In this video I’ll show you to Model and Unwrap a Traffic Barricade in Blender. Texturing was made using Substance Painter. *Reference Images:* *Tex Tools for blender 3:* *Blender Shortkeys* Adjust last operation - F9 Bevel - ctrl B Bevel Vertex - ctrl shift B Duplicate - shift D Duplicate linked (instance) - alt D Deselect - alt A Delete - X Extrude - E Extrude menu - alt E Fill face / new edge - F Grow / shrink selection - ctrl ctrl - Hide / unhide - H Unhide all - alt H Invert Selection - Ctrl i Inset - I Inset individual faces - I, I Join Objects - ctrl J Knife - K Loop cut - ctrl R Loop cut count - ctrl R, scroll wheel Loop / vertex slide - G, G Link materials /link - ctrl L Move 3D cursor - shift RMB Move to collection - M Merge - M Move - G Rotate - R Scale - S Normals menu - alt N Recalculate normals - shift N Rename - F2 Repeat last action - shift R Snap menu - shift S Shrink / fatten - alt S Separate - P Split - Y Select edge loop - alt LMB Select edge ring - ctrl alt LMB Select all - A Vertex connect path - J Vertex select mode - 1 Edge select mode - 2 Face select mode - 3 Toggle object / edit mode - tab Toggle solid / wireframe view - shift Z Toggle x-ray view - alt Z *Follow me:* Artstation: Behance: Facebook: Pinterest: Dribbble: Instagram: 0:18 Modeling 12:20 Unwrap 15:42 Texturing #blender3d #tutorial #beginners
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