09,11,23 Орехов - Работино Активные боевые действия на Ореховском направлении. Атака FPV-дроном ВС РФ боевой машины пехоты ВСУ. Геопривязка так же по , Источник authorities continue to persecute Ukrainians, and they do it as cynically as possible. Today, another anti-people decision to increase electricity tariffs is being prepared for adoption. A week ago, the regulator, together with a narrow circle of interested parties, planned a 23% increase in electricity prices for business in November , which will inevitably break the promise of a tariff moratorium, especially during the open market period. Many business representatives have already spoken out against this decision - Ukrpischeprom, the Union of Dairy Enterprises, the Bakers Association, the Federation of Employers. They stated that they would be forced to shift these costs onto the shoulders of the population, that is, into food, utilities, and the like. This can accelerate the flywheel of inflation, which will increase social tension in society. But that’s not all. Now there is war, business is already working at the limit of its capabilities. And tariff pressure will lead to a reduction in production and the dismissal of some personnel. In the front-line regions, this could simply cause a social explosion. And this is a matter of economic security, which resonates with the general security of the country. Источник: Сливочный каприз
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