White Movement (Russian Civil War), 1919 Donate & Support: March of the Russian White Guard Drozdovsky (2nd Officer Rifles) Regiment, written by Colonel Pyotr Batorin to the tune of the March of Siberian Riflemen (1915). The lyrics of the march are devoted to the legendary campaign of volunteers led by Drozdovskij on the Iasi-Don route, from the Romanian front to the theater of operations of the Civil War. Later the popular melody of this march would become a basis for the Soviet partisan song “Through valleys and over hills“ (“Po dolinam i po vzgor’jam“) and a number of other musical compositions. Portrayed by Mj. General Mikhail Drozdovskij (1881—1919), one of the most brilliant generals of the Russian White Movement, a Monarchist leader and commander of the legendary Drozdovsky Regiment. LYRICS (Complete original ones, differing from the video): Изъ Румыніи походомъ Шёлъ Дроздовскій славный полкъ, Во спасеніе народа Исполняя тяжкій долгъ. Много онъ ночей безсонныхъ И лишеній выносилъ, Но героевъ закалённыхъ Путь далекій не страшилъ! Генералъ Дроздовскій смѣло Шёлъ съ полкомъ своимъ вперёдъ. Какъ герой, онъ вѣрилъ твёрдо, Что онъ Родину спасётъ! Видѣлъ онъ, что Русь Святая Погибаетъ подъ ярмомъ И, какъ свѣчка восковая, Угасаетъ съ каждымъ днемъ. Вѣрилъ онъ: настанетъ время И опомнится народъ — Сброситъ варварское бремя И за нами въ бой пойдётъ. Шли Дроздовцы твёрдымъ шагомъ, Врагъ подъ натискомъ бѣжалъ. И съ трёхцвѣтнымъ Русскимъ Флагомъ Славу полкъ себѣ стяжалъ! Пусть вернёмся мы сѣдые Отъ кроваваго труда, Надъ тобой взойдётъ, Россія, Солнце новое тогда!
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