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Prema legendi jezero je ostatak Panonskog mora, ali da je ono nastalo od suza pastira Pavla koji je tu napasao svoje stado. Jezero je nastalo u pradavna vremena kao izdansko, iako voda jezera najvećim delom potiče od padavina koje su ispunjavale udolinu. Salinitet jezera se objašnjava time što se voda slivala sa okolnog terena rastvarajući natrijum-hlorid. Jezero Palić se u pisanim dokumentima prvi put pominje 1462. godine kao Pali (Paly). Prvi crtež, koji je predstavljao mapu jezera (Paligo Palys) potiče iz 1690. godine. Još se krajem 18. veka znalo da jezerska voda i mulj imaju lekovita svojstva. Prema ideji lekara iz Subotice, 1845. godine je najpre izgrađena gostionica Donja trščara, što je bio temelj kasnije izgradnje Kupališta i Banje. Svoj procvat Palić doživljava 1880-ih, nakon otvaranja pruge Budimpešta-Zemun 1883. godine i tramvajske linije do Subotice 1897. Osim zbog lečenja (prvenstveno koštanih i kožnih oboljenja) posetoci su na Palić dolazili i zbog zabave. Između 1880. i 1914. na Paliću su održavane sportske igre u brzom hodanju, biciklizmu, rvanju, mačevanju i drugim sportovima, od kojih neki sada već imaju dugu tradiciju na Paliću. Broj posetilaca kupališta i banje Palić je rastao sve do početka Prvog svetskog rata. Posle Prvog svetskog rata, na istočnoj obali Palića izgrađen je Veliki (Muški) štrand, najveći objekat te vrste u tadašnjoj Jugoslaviji. I nakon Drugog svetskog rata nastavljeno je sa izgradnjom Palića, pa je 1950. u borovoj šumi izgrađena Letnja pozornica od netesanog kamena na kojoj su gostovali mnogi umetnici. Šesdesetih godina 20. veka izgrađen je sportski centar sa terenima za fudbal, odbojku, košarku, rukomet. Na istočnoj obali je podignuto Vikend naselje gde su mnoge subotičke firme izgradile odmarališta za svoje radnike. Godine 1978. iskopana je prva bušotina termomineralne vode na Paliću, a 1984. je otvoren Termalni bazen. Izgrađen je moderan hotel „Prezident“ 2000. godine, a u istom maniru nakon toga je adaptirano nekoliko starih palićkih vila, kojih je krajem 19. veka bilo preko 200 i pretvoreno u luksuzne hotele manjih kapaciteta. Okolina banje je pošumljena. Veliki park je od tada redizajniran, a zasađeno je još zelenila, tako da od prvobitne površine od nešto više od m2, park danas zauzima oko m2. Palić je danas kvalitetna i poznata turistička destinacija i od 2007. godine ima usvojen Plan razvoja Palić According to legend, the lake is a remnant of the Pannonian Sea, but it was created by the tears of the shepherd Pavle who grazed his flock there. The lake was created in ancient times as a spring, although the lake’s water mostly originates from the precipitation that filled the valley. The lake’s salinity is explained by the fact that water flowed from the surrounding terrain, dissolving sodium chloride. Lake Palić was first mentioned in written documents in 1462 as Pali (Paly). The first drawing, which was a map of the lake (Paligo Palys), dates from 1690. Even at the end of the 18th century, it was known that lake water and mud have healing properties. According to the idea of ​​a doctor from Subotica, in 1845, the Donja trščara inn was first built, which was the foundation for the later construction of the Baths and Spa. Palić experienced its heyday in the 1880s, after the opening of the Budapest-Zemun railway in 1883 and the tram line to Subotica in 1897. Apart from treatment (primarily bone and skin diseases), visitors also came to Palić for entertainment. Between 1880 and 1914, sports games in fast walking, cycling, wrestling, fencing, and other sports were held in Palić, some of which now have a long tradition in Palić. The number of visitors to the swimming pool and spa Palić grew until the beginning of the First World War. After the First World War, Veliki (Men’s) beach was built on the eastern shore of Palić, the largest building of its kind in Yugoslavia at the time. Even after the Second World War, the construction of Palić continued, so in 1950, a summer stage was built in a pine forest made of unhewn stone, where many artists were guests. In the sixties of the 20th century, a sports center was built with fields for football, volleyball, basketball, and handball. On the east coast, the Weekend settlement was built, where many Subotica companies built resorts for their workers. In 1978, the first thermal mineral water well was dug on Palić, and in 1984, the Thermal Pool was opened. The modern hotel “Prezident“ was built in 2000, and several old villas from Palić were adapted in the same manner, of which there were over 200 at the end of the 19th century, and turned into luxury hotels of smaller capacity. The surroundings of the spa are forested. The large park has since been redesigned, and more greenery has been planted, so that from the original area of ​​slightly more than 86,000 m2, the... Palics, Szabatka #lake #serbia #family #palic #palić #palics #subotica #szabatka If you liked my content please hit like 👍and subscribe ♥

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