Title: Alex Lifeson's “Amp Fiasco“ Date & Place: June 24, 1978, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania During a raucous performance in Pittsburgh, Alex Lifeson, the versatile guitarist of Rush, found himself in a humorous yet unexpected situation that brought a light-hearted twist to the band's concert. In the midst of Rush's energetic set, known for their intricate compositions and passionate performances, Lifeson was unleashing his signature guitar riffs. However, as he delved into a particularly intense solo, an unforeseen technical hiccup occurred. Amid the crescendo of the song, one of Lifeson's amplifiers suddenly malfunctioned, emitting an ear-piercing screech that disrupted the performance. Surprised by the unexpected glitch, Lifeson halted his solo, shooting a bewildered look towards the malfunctioning amp. Rather than letting the technical issue dampen the show, Lifeson, known for his jovial nature, decided to turn the moment into a lighthearted int
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