The Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. series of fighters has been around for over two decades and has dominated Japanese arcades for most of that time as well as given birth to smaller scenes in places like the United States especially after its latest console release, MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM EXTREME VS. MAXIBOOST ON. I chatted with Brett Young about what makes this Gundam game stand out from the rest and why people seem to love it so much? Additional editing by Phil Nolan Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:49 What is Gundam Extreme Vs? 5:37 It’s been popular for HOW long!? 10:08 How the US scene is growing the scene Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Gundam Extreme Vs resources (Learn how to play): Gundam Guide GGEZ Wiki EXVS MBON Beginner’s Guide
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