Browse cool and inspiring image styles and remix them instantly with a cool StableDiffusion workflows. Just right click on any image, write a prompt (or hit the ✨ to let AI do the prompting) and redesign the image with your prompts. Powered by AI workflows anyone can build on . Get the extension here: Version 1.3 adds a range of new “glifs“ - besides the original Style Hunter, you can now: * Remix a face into new images and styles using Face Transfer (works on cartoon characters, too! Please use responsibly) * Replace the background of any image with your prompt * Style Changer let’s you keep an image’s shape, but change its style with your prompts * Free Form Image Manipulation is an experimental smart glif: just ask it to “remove background“, or “shape shift this into a photograph“...! We recommend to use the extension on public domain resources such as Public Domain Review, which is an excellent source for all sorts of amazing art styles!
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