Tabi Hani TRAILER ANIME 2022 OFFICIAL Synopsis The anime's story centers on Akari (a quiet high schooler who has inherited a love of travel from her older sister, who took care of her in place of often absent parents) and Nagi (Akari's cheerful classmate who willingly jumps into any activity, and becomes interested in Akari due to her mysterious air), who travel throughout Japan. ⭐SUPER SPECIAL DISCOUNT ⭐(ADD TO CART) 🔴MANGA - 🟡ACTION FIGURES - 🟢ANIME CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES - 💦... Like/Dislike the video, Sharing is Caring, and Hit that “🔔“. Witty Comments pinned. don't click All audiovisual content are the © copyright of their respective owners. ------- For Movie News, Spoilers & Leaks: Guest Writers, Sponsorships, and Guest posts are
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