


The Mantra of Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra

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汉语普通话: 即说咒曰,嗡,揭谛揭谛,波罗揭谛,波罗僧揭谛,菩提萨婆诃 罗马拼音: Tadyatha om gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha 嗡(Om):咒的起始,帮助修行者与宇宙连接。 揭谛 (gate):去、前往,意指前往解脱之道。 波罗揭谛 (paragate):到达彼岸,指达到涅槃的境界。 波罗僧揭谛 (parasamgate):超越到彼岸,指超越生死轮回。 菩提 (bodhi):觉悟 萨婆诃 (svaha):成就、圆满 Om: The beginning of the mantra, helping practitioners connect with the universe. Gate: To go, to proceed, signifying the journey towards liberation. Paragate: To go beyond, referring to reaching the state of nirvana. Parasamgate: To go completely beyond, meaning transcending the cycle of birth and death. Bodhi: Enlightenment. Svaha: Accomplishment, fulfillment. 《心经》是佛教大乘经典《般若波罗蜜多经》的精华摘要,由260字组成,简明扼要地阐述了“空”的概念,指导我们认识世间万象的真相,从而达到心灵的解脱。这部经典由唐代高僧玄奘法师从梵文译成汉文,其语言精炼,意义深远,是佛教徒日常念诵的重要文献之一。 “揭谛揭谛,波罗揭谛,波罗僧揭谛,菩提萨婆诃”是《心经》的结尾,也是《心经》的咒心,其确切的翻译并没有一个统一的标准。在佛教传统中,有些咒语被认为是“五不翻”之一,即由于其含义深远、神秘或包含多重意义,不宜直接翻译成其他语言。心经咒心在佛教中被认为具有强大的加持力,能够帮助修行者消除烦恼,增长智慧,达到清净的境界。 The Heart Sutra is the essence of the Mahayana Buddhist scripture, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, condensed into 260 characters. It succinctly explains the concept of “emptiness,“ guiding us to understand the true nature of all phenomena, thereby achieving spiritual liberation. This classic was translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by the Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang. Its language is concise, and its meaning is profound, making it one of the most important texts recited daily by Buddhists. “Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha“ is the conclusion of the Heart Sutra and its mantra core. There is no single standard translation for it. In Buddhist tradition, some mantras are considered among the “five untranslatable“ elements, meaning they are not directly translated into other languages due to their profound, mysterious, or multifaceted meanings. The Heart Sutra mantra is believed to have powerful blessings, helping practitioners eliminate afflictions, increase wisdom, and achieve a state of purity.

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