Directed by Pontus Bengtsson - and Rune Foss - Puteraeon: Jonas Lindblood Daniel Vandija Rune Foss Anders “the hammer of Gs“ Malmström Cast: Gigolo zombie: Flanders Jörgensen Bleeding eyes zombie: Emelie Zorsha Kung fu zombie: Danyael Nilsson Dirty zombie: Grim Vindkall Redshirt zombie: Johann Strauss Female punkzombie 1: Emelie Hemming Female punkzombie 2: Evilyn Frantti Professional zombie: Erik Ungman Pinocchio zombie: Rune Foss Hunchback zombie: Daniel Vandija White shirt zombie: Anders Malmström Raincoat zombie: Jonas Lindblood Suite zombie: Patrik Nestler Tall & rotten zombie: Jörgen Kornevi Riding hood zombie: André Westerberg CP zombie: Anton Josephson Carcrash victim: Daniel Vandija clawing zombie 1: Christer Olsson Clawing zombie 2: Denis Vandija Clawing zombie 3: Dias Begicevic Clawing zomnie 4: Micael Augustsson Zombie cult hunter 1: Anders Malmström Zombie cult hunter 2: Jens Spalding Zombie cult hunter 3: Jonas Lindblood Masked zombiecult hunter: Daniel Vandija Lyrics: Dead for ages Now disturbed in my sleep A current of life runs through the rotting meat Angered and hungry I rise up on my feet Alive again Burning up, brains i seek experience zombiefication Dead for ages Now disturbed in my rot A current of life runs through my rotting corpse Dead and hungry I rise up from my grave Alive again rotten and depraved experience zombiefication experience
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