What’s the range of ESP-Now on the ESP32? I got asked this a lot after the walky-talky project. Turns out you can get around 500m distance - pretty amazing! Thanks to PCBWay for sponsoring this video, PCBWay offer PCB Production, CNC and 3D Printing, PCB Assembly and much much more. You can find their details here: After the walky-talky project () I got asked a lot of questions about the range of ESP-Now. I’d seen a lot of people do tests but I really wanted to do a proper “real world“ test. So, I’ve hooked up a GPS module () along with an SD Card () to an ESP32 and made a mobile logging system to record ESP-Now packets as I walk around. I can get around 320m between two ESP32 modules with standard ESP-Now. If I switch into “Long Range“ mode then I can trade off bandwidth for range and get 500m! Pretty amazing. Theoretically, you should be able to get 1km in Long Range mode - but I think that woul
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