Haku, fortunately known as a movie character from Spirited Away. Due to his being a Japanese river spirit, Haku has the ability to take on the form of an Asian dragon, and was shown to be able to fly in this state. Haku has a power to ability to transform into a beautiful dragon. So Haku (especially the dragon) is definitely my favorite movie character from Spirited Away. #SpiritedAway #Artdoll #Haku #Artist For the brand of the hot glue sticks i used is Artellius, it is the pretty strong hot glue sticks. And it has the purple-ish clear color too. I would recommend it, but it also emits a bit of odors, so be careful. Here’s a link on where i bought them. =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I love to do some artsy, and i love sharing with my folks. I decided to create YouTube videos so i’m still learning about YouTube. I am an adventurous girl and i love going to places. Please share, like, subscribe, and hit the bell as
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