In 2003, two of the most popular video game series in their respective genres, Megami Tensei and Devil May Cry, had a legendary crossover allowing the Demifiend to face Dante. To this day, the event is widely beloved by the fanbase and helped cement Nocturne as one of the most iconic games in the series, but people rarely discuss how this actually happened in the first place. This video investigates every public detail about the development process that birthed the collaboration between ATLUS and Capcom. Editor: Petabik Scans: VeskScans Special Thanks: Dijeh, Faz, Larrue, Nathan, Raccoon, Spider, and Spooks Executive Producer & Voice Acting: @MarshSMT Sources: Track List: Video Continuity (Devil May Cry 3) Ancient Castle Stage (Devil May Cry 1) Joint Struggle (Shin Megami Tensei III: NOCTURNE) Cathedral (Devil May Cry 1) Divinity Statue (Devil May Cry 5) Chapters: Intro - 0:00 Background - 0:38 ATLUS's Proposal - 1:57 Yamai Persuades Capcom - 3:37 Collaboration - 6:07 Nocturne Appearance - 6:51 Setting Document - 7:30 Conclusion - 10:22
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