Russian Empire, XVIII century (music), XIX century (lyrics) Donate & Support: The antique march of the first regiment of the Russian Imperial Guards - Preobrazhensky. It was first performed already in the XVIII century, perhaps even during the lifetime of Emperor Peter the Great (because of this, this melody is sometimes called the “Petrine March“). The most famous lyrics for this march arose in the XIX century after the Patriotic War on the basis of the soldier’s song “Glorious were our Grandfathers“. The authors of the melody and lyrics are unknown, although there is an alternative text written by Sergej Marin (it narrates about the times of Catherine and the war with the French in 1805). The march became the most popular in the Russian army, in addition to Preobrazhensky several other regiments used it, and after the February Revolution, for some time it used to play the role of the national anthem of Russia. Portrayed by the All-Russian Emperor Peter I ’the Great’ (1672—1725) in the Preobrazhensky Regiment uniforms as the “founding father“ of the Regiment. LYRICS (Original ones, slightly different from the video): Знаютъ турки насъ и шведы, И про насъ извѣстенъ свѣтъ! На сраженья, на побѣды Насъ всегда самъ Царь ведетъ! C нами трудъ онъ раздѣляетъ, Передъ нами онъ въ бояхъ, Счастьемъ всякъ изъ насъ считаетъ Умереть въ его глазахъ! Славны были наши дѣды, Помнитъ ихъ и шведъ, и ляхъ. И парилъ орелъ побѣды На Полтавскихъ на поляхъ. Знамя ихъ полка плѣняетъ Русскій штыкъ нашъ боевой. Онъ и намъ напоминаетъ, Какъ ходили дѣды въ бой. Гордо штыкъ четырёхгранный, Голосъ чести не замолкъ! Такъ пойдёмъ вперёдъ мы славно Грудью первый русскій полкъ! Государямъ по присягѣ Вѣрнымъ полкъ нашъ былъ всегда! Въ полѣ брани не робѣя Грудью служитъ онъ всегда! Преображенцы удалые, Рады тѣшить мы Царя! И потѣшные былые Славны будутъ вѣкъ! Ура!
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