The art of deception is to mix truth with lies. Jonathan Azaziah: Disinformation is defined as ‘misinformation that is deliberately disseminated in order to influence or confuse rivals.’ It is used by governments to mislead and brainwash their citizen populations, instigate wars, and blackmail foreign regimes. It is the ultimate instrument of the media. The most effective disinformation is that which is comprised of falsehood as well as facts. Wikileaks, founded by Julian Assange, fits this description perfectly, right down to the letter. Seemingly overnight, it has become one of the biggest ‘whistle-blowing’ agencies in modern history. In reality though, it is one of the biggest disinformation projects in modern history, and it may be the most dangerous because it is masquerading as an organization of truth. The information released by Wikileaks isn’t new; it isn’t groundbreaking; it doesn’t hurt the US as much as people think, it’s fractional really; and it is overloaded with as much as propaganda as the day-to-day Zionist media is. This propaganda is benefitting someone. And that someone is the illegal usurping entity of Israel. Even the Israeli government itself thinks so (1). An Entire Transcript of Johnathan Azaziah’s work: Subscribe to Snordster: Wikileaks, the Zionist Hydra that Won’t Die: False Heroes In A Revolutionary Period: Wikilkeaks: ADL and Mossad “Blogger/Assets” Defend Assange for Israel: Wikileaks is the Mossad, Stupid, Not the Russian: GORDON DUFF: THE WIKI HOAX: Pilger and Assange, The Theatre of the Absurd: Fake and Faker: Assange and Snowden: Wikileaks and Stratfor, Israel Busted Again: WIKILEAKS: END YOUR WAR ON 9/11 TRUTH: GORDON DUFF: ASSANGE ADMITS WIKILEAKS A FRAUD RUN BY PRESS FOR ISRAEL: Snowden: An exercise in disinformation: 9/11: DEMAND FOR WIKILEAKS RETRACTION AND APOLOGY: WikiLeaks Is Israel: Nihilists of The World Unite: Wikileaks Is The “Cognitive Infiltration” Operation Demanded by Cass Sunstein: Webster Tarpley Speaks with Alex Jones About the Wikileaks Organization Being ”Controlled Opposition”: How to Identify a CIA Limited Hangout Operation: Webster Tarpley on Russian opposition, WikiLeaks & Revolutions: Webster Tarpley: ’Virtual flag terrorism’ is next threat: Wikileaks & Julian Assange:
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