Artist: Maher Zain Song: Rahmatan Lil’Alameen Thank you for watching this video Don’t forget to subscribe and like and always livin’ critic and suggestions in the comments column. (Terima kasih sudah menonton video ini, jangan lupa subscribe dan like serta selalu tinggalkan kritik dan saran di kolom komentar.) #MaherZain #rahmatanlilalamin #iNasheed #colorcoded #liriklaguiNasheed #colorcodedmaherzain #indonesia #Eng #Rom #videolyrics #lirikvideo #videomusik #musicvideo #songlyrics #liriklagu #islamicmusic #masikislami #pasanganhalal #tuntunkukepadamu #guidemealltheway #kumilikmu #Iloveyouso #thankyouAllah #theone #peacebeuponyou #sepanjanghidup #forrestofmylife #yasalamalaika #holdmyhand #onebigfamily #bikamuhilmi #jannah #musicrecord #muhasabahdiri #memperbaikidiri
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